3 Signs You Need to See the Dentist ASAP

Hopefully, you keep up with your regular dentist appointments every six months, but sometimes you must visit the dentist, even between regular dental cleanings. When you’re having a dental emergency, seeing the dentist as soon as possible is important.

Waiting to see the dentist when you’re having an emergency can spread an infection, gum disease, and even tooth loss. Below, we’ve listed 3 signs that you need to see yourdentist in Hudson and Orrville, OH, as soon as possible.

1. You’re having severe tooth pain.

Severe tooth pain could be an indication of an infection. You may need a root canal if the pulp inside the tooth is infected. This emergency procedure eliminates the infection inside the tooth and covers it in a crown. If you don’t get a root canal as soon as possible under these circumstances, you could face tooth extraction later.

2. You’re noticing swelling in your mouth. 

Swelling could be another sign of infection and may be another sign that you need a root canal. If you have swelling or swelling accompanied by pain, call your dentist as soon as possible.

3. Your permanent tooth has been knocked out of your mouth. 

Loss of a permanent tooth is an emergency situation. If you cannot reach the dentist very quickly after losing a permanent tooth, the damage could be permanent. Call your dentist immediately for instructions if you’ve lost a permanent tooth.

Think You Might Be Having a Dental Emergency? Call Today

Village Dental offersemergency dental services in Hudson and Orrville, OH. Call today to let us know if you need emergency dental care.

Scared to See the Dentist? We Can Help

Lots of people get nervous when it’s time to see the dentist in Hudson and Orrville, OH. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to make it a more positive experience! Here’s what you can do to calm your nerves and make your experience at the dentist easier overall.

Talk To Your Dentist

Dental professionals always have tricks they can use to help their patients feel calm when they come for a cleaning. If you feel anxious about visiting the dentist, call us for advice or talk to your dentist the next time you come in. We’ll be happy to help you devise strategies and a plan for ensuring an easy dental visit. Some examples of strategies we can use:

  • Take regular breaks during your next dental cleaning
  • Create a signal you can use to indicate you need the procedure to stop for a minute

Take Care of Your Teeth

Taking care of your teeth at home makes going to the dentist that much easier. When your teeth are healthy and your gums are, too, your dental appointments go faster. Some ways that you can take care of your teeth at home include:

  • Brush your teeth twice daily and floss once daily
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months
  • Use an electric toothbrush if at all possible
  • Watch for symptoms of a problem and seek help from the dentist if you notice problems like pain, discomfort, bleeding in the gums or bad breath that won’t go away when you brush your teeth.

Need More Advice? Talk to Us At Your Next Appointment

The professionals at Village Dental are committed to taking care of your teeth and making your appointments better. Call today to schedule your next teeth cleaning in Hudson and Orrville, OH.

What to Expect During a Dental Checkup

Most dentists recommend getting a dental checkup every six months. This is important for maintaining proper dental health. However, are you aware of what happens during these appointments?

In this post, we’ll talk about what you should expect during a dental checkup.


While every dentist has their own process, most offices start with taking x-rays of your mouth. This allows these dental professionals to understand the current state of your oral health. Having x-rays taken can provide early detection of several dental health issues.

Are you in need of an exam and checkup? For high-quality dental checkups in Orrville, OH, contact Village Dental today to make an appointment!


An examination is another key component of a dental checkup. This includes reviewing x-rays, a physical examination of your teeth and gums, and a checkup of your tongue, jaw, and neck. A dentist may provide a more detailed exam if you have certain oral health concerns. This exam is also when dental professionals review your dental history and ask about your oral health.


Many dentists will also provide a thorough cleaning during these appointments. This involves the removal of plaque and tartar throughout your teeth and gums. They may also address other issues at this time. Dentists use advanced cleaning processes to eliminate bacteria, leaving you with fresh breath and a cleaner mouth!

Next Steps

Based on the x-rays, exam, and cleaning, your dentist may recommend further treatments based on your needs. They could suggest a new filling, tooth extraction, or something else. Whatever they advise, it’s important to handle it as soon as possible. This is also an excellent time to schedule your next visit to the dentist.

Think it may be time for a checkup? If so, contact Village Dental today to work with the leading dentist in Hudson, OH!

3d render of jaw with cracked tooth

5 Signs of a Cracked Tooth and What to Do

A cracked tooth can cause serious problems. Without proper care, a crack in a tooth can cause pain, infection, and even loss of the tooth. Fortunately, there are many things that your dentist can do to help protect your tooth once a crack has developed. Here’s what to know.

Symptoms of a Cracked Tooth

You may be able to tell that your tooth is cracked just by looking at it. Sometimes, cracks are obvious and visible. However, there are many times when cracks are not easy to see at all. In these cases, the only way to tell is by the symptoms. See below:

  1. Swelling around the tooth
  2. Pain when chewing
  3. Intermittent pain
  4. Sudden sensitivity to changes in temperature
  5. Sensitivity to sweet foods

What to Do About a Cracked Tooth

Tiny hairline cracks are not uncommon and are often best left alone. However, larger cracks may need treatment. Below are some treatments your dentist may recommend for your cracked tooth.

  • Crown. A crown is a cap placed on the tooth to cover the crack and protect the tooth enamel from further cracking.
  • Bonding. Bonding is a composite material placed on the tooth to seal the crack and protect it from bacteria.
  • Root canal. A root canal in Orrville, OH is a procedure that cleans out infection and fills in the remaining tooth.
  • Extraction. If your tooth does become infected and the damage is too severe or extensive, your dentist may recommend an extraction.

Have a Cracked Tooth? Your Dentist in Orrville, OH Can Help

A cracked tooth may need immediate treatment. If you believe that you have a cracked tooth, talk to your dentist in Orrville, OH. Call today to get a diagnosis and treatment.

Common Substances That Are Terrible For Teeth

Most people are already aware that sugar is teeth’s number one enemy. Since bacteria’s favorite food is sugar, it makes sense that the more sugar you introduce into the mouth, the more bacteria colonies can thrive. But did you know that there are other common substances that are equally terrible for teeth? Your dentist is Orrville, OH wants you to know about those, too.

Soft Bread

Who doesn’t love to tuck into a big sandwich with soft, chewy bread? It’s a comfort food that few people can resist. But soft bread—the kind you buy, not make at home—is a highly processed food that is high in sugar. When you combine that with the fact that soft bread tends to stick to teeth, that’s a bad situation. Little bits of that soft bread gets stuck in between teeth and is very hard to remove. Because when it gets damp with saliva, it also gets sticky and gooey. Whenever possible, opt for homemade bread, or bread with all natural ingredients and minimal sugar.

Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit, especially berries, are high in vitamins and antioxidants. It’s a natural food, so it’s considered very healthy. And it is, but not so much for your teeth. Berries and other fruits are high in fructose, a naturally-occurring sugar. It’s important to balance fruit intake and not go overboard. Even fructose can damage teeth if there’s too much of it. Also, be sure to brush and floss thoroughly because the tiny seeds can become stuck in between teeth and lead to cavities.


Nicotine from tobacco stains teeth, but that’s just the surface problem. The real problem is that tobacco undermines the immune system, making your entire body more susceptible to disease—including gum disease like periodontitis—which can lead to tooth loss.

Making a dentist visit at least once every six months is the best way to ensure optimal health. Contact your dentist in Orrville, OH today to book your next appointment.