Common Substances That Are Terrible For Teeth

Most people are already aware that sugar is teeth’s number one enemy. Since bacteria’s favorite food is sugar, it makes sense that the more sugar you introduce into the mouth, the more bacteria colonies can thrive. But did you know that there are other common substances that are equally terrible for teeth? Your dentist is Orrville, OH wants you to know about those, too.

Soft Bread

Who doesn’t love to tuck into a big sandwich with soft, chewy bread? It’s a comfort food that few people can resist. But soft bread—the kind you buy, not make at home—is a highly processed food that is high in sugar. When you combine that with the fact that soft bread tends to stick to teeth, that’s a bad situation. Little bits of that soft bread gets stuck in between teeth and is very hard to remove. Because when it gets damp with saliva, it also gets sticky and gooey. Whenever possible, opt for homemade bread, or bread with all natural ingredients and minimal sugar.

Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit, especially berries, are high in vitamins and antioxidants. It’s a natural food, so it’s considered very healthy. And it is, but not so much for your teeth. Berries and other fruits are high in fructose, a naturally-occurring sugar. It’s important to balance fruit intake and not go overboard. Even fructose can damage teeth if there’s too much of it. Also, be sure to brush and floss thoroughly because the tiny seeds can become stuck in between teeth and lead to cavities.


Nicotine from tobacco stains teeth, but that’s just the surface problem. The real problem is that tobacco undermines the immune system, making your entire body more susceptible to disease—including gum disease like periodontitis—which can lead to tooth loss.

Making a dentist visit at least once every six months is the best way to ensure optimal health. Contact your dentist in Orrville, OH today to book your next appointment.

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