Top 3 Best Methods for Preventing Cavities and Fillings  

One of the greatest fears that patients have is developing cavities. While it is important to take a preventative approach to your healthcare, it is often not entirely possible to completely negate your need for fillings. 

There are many at-home remedies that you can undergo to reduce the chances of developing infections and gum disease which will be detailed below. Overall, the best solution is to visit Hudson Village Dental of Orrville and Hudson, OH to properly assess if you need fillings, a deep cleaning, or a more permanent solution.

What are Cavities?

Cavities are depressions made inside, or around the tooth. By itself, a single cavity in its early stages is not a large cause of concern – but can quickly progress into a more dangerous and costly issue. The early signs of cavities are difficult to see with the naked eye and can go unnoticed until it is too late.

How Can I Prevent Cavities?

There are many ways to reduce your chances of getting cavities.

Oral Hygiene

Although it seems obvious, brushing, flossing and an oral rinse are not a common routine found among some patients. While toothbrushing has become extremely common, there are many factors that limit its effectiveness. Brushing too hard, brushing too soft, using an old brush, and not flossing regularly can leave small bits of food trapped between your teeth.


Carbonated sweet drinks and pastries have a large amount of sugar, which dissolves the enamel. Furthermore, hard candy and tough/sinewy foods can easily get stuck in between the teeth, which is hard to remove even with flossing or a water pick. Unprocessed foods that are high in fiber reduce your chance of developing cavities.

Regular Cleanings

Dental hygienists are professionals trained in removing plaque and bacteria from your teeth. After the procedure, they apply a necessary polish that prevents the tooth from short-term harm. Regular cleanings remain the number one method of cavity presentation in an otherwise healthy lifestyle.

Your Local Orrville and Hudson, OH Dentist

If you are unsure about unidentified cavities within your mouth, it is time for an appointment with your local Orrville and Hudson, OH dentist. Hudson Village Dental provides expert oral care services which can help prevent, or treat, your cavities and unique issues.


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