4 Questions to Ask the Dentist At Your Next Dental Appointment

Your visit to the dentist in Hudson and Orrville, OH is the perfect opportunity to ask your dentist questions. If you have questions about how to maintain healthy teeth and gums, your dentist can help!

Below, we’ve listed some of the most helpful questions you can ask your dentist when you go for a dental checkup. If you don’t know the answers to all these questions, write them down so you can be prepared to ask your dentist when you see them next.

1. Are My Teeth and Gums Healthy?

Your dentist will tell you if you’re suffering from any conditions like gum disease or a cavity, but asking this question kicks off the conversation. This can lead to a broader discussion about your dental health and what you can do to keep your teeth healthy.

2. What Can I Do to Improve My Oral Hygiene Routine?

Your oral hygiene routine is important. How and when you floss and brush your teeth can make all the difference to your dental health. Asking this question gives your dentist an opportunity to comment on your oral hygiene routine and how it can be improved.

3. When Should I See the Dentist Next?

Do you know how often you should see the dentist? If not, ask! Once your dentist tells you when to return, mark your calendar to remind yourself to make the appointment.

4. Am I At Risk of Dental Conditions?

Knowing what conditions you’re at risk of can help you protect yourself from gum disease and other dental conditions. Ask this question and find out what symptoms you should be watching for.

Are you ready for your next dental cleaning in Hudson and Orrville, OH? If so, call your dentist at Village Dental today.

Missing a Tooth? 3 Prosthetic Teeth to Consider

If you’re missing a tooth, getting a prosthetic replacement can help restore confidence in your smile while also making talking and chewing easier. There are many prosthetic options, but picking the right one is important. Your dentist in Hudson and Orrville, OH, can help you decide which type of prosthetic tooth is right for you.

1. Implants

Of all the types of prosthetic teeth, implants are the ones that are most similar to our natural teeth. Like our natural teeth, implants are inserted into the jaw. They have nearly the same biting force as natural teeth, and they also look just like real teeth.

Your dental implants will be matched to the color of your other teeth to ensure that no one can tell the difference between your dental implants and your other teeth. Implants are also maintained in a way that is very similar to real teeth.

2. Dentures

Dentures are designed to replace whole rows of teeth instead of one single tooth, although partial dentures do exist to replace just a few teeth at a time. Unlike dental implants, which are permanently installed in the mouth, dentures are worn and can be removed at any time.

3. Bridges

A bridge is a prosthetic tooth that is held in place with dental crowns that are attached to the adjoining teeth. Like an implant, a bridge is meant to be a permanent solution that cannot be removed once put in place.

Need a Prosthetic Tooth? Contact Your Dentist

If you’re missing a tooth, a prosthetic tooth, like dental implants in Hudson and Orrville, OH, can help restore your smile. Call Village Dental to make an appointment and learn more about how a prosthetic tooth can help you.

3d render of jaw with cracked tooth

5 Signs of a Cracked Tooth and What to Do

A cracked tooth can cause serious problems. Without proper care, a crack in a tooth can cause pain, infection, and even loss of the tooth. Fortunately, there are many things that your dentist can do to help protect your tooth once a crack has developed. Here’s what to know.

Symptoms of a Cracked Tooth

You may be able to tell that your tooth is cracked just by looking at it. Sometimes, cracks are obvious and visible. However, there are many times when cracks are not easy to see at all. In these cases, the only way to tell is by the symptoms. See below:

  1. Swelling around the tooth
  2. Pain when chewing
  3. Intermittent pain
  4. Sudden sensitivity to changes in temperature
  5. Sensitivity to sweet foods

What to Do About a Cracked Tooth

Tiny hairline cracks are not uncommon and are often best left alone. However, larger cracks may need treatment. Below are some treatments your dentist may recommend for your cracked tooth.

  • Crown. A crown is a cap placed on the tooth to cover the crack and protect the tooth enamel from further cracking.
  • Bonding. Bonding is a composite material placed on the tooth to seal the crack and protect it from bacteria.
  • Root canal. A root canal in Orrville, OH is a procedure that cleans out infection and fills in the remaining tooth.
  • Extraction. If your tooth does become infected and the damage is too severe or extensive, your dentist may recommend an extraction.

Have a Cracked Tooth? Your Dentist in Orrville, OH Can Help

A cracked tooth may need immediate treatment. If you believe that you have a cracked tooth, talk to your dentist in Orrville, OH. Call today to get a diagnosis and treatment.