Dental Implants: What to Expect
You may wonder what to do next if you’ve lost a tooth due to injury or decay. For a durable, long-lasting solution, consider a dental implant. Dental implants are so strong that many people have their original implants for their entire lives!
Are you in the market for dental implants in Hudson, OH? If so, contact Village Dental today! You’re always in good hands with us, from our top-quality implants to our experienced staff. Call us today to make an appointment!
What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are oral appliances that replace missing teeth. They consist of three parts: a metal post, an abutment, and a dental crown. The metal post is screwed into the jawbone, while the abutment and crown are attached on top. The final restoration resembles a natural tooth.
How the Process Works
While getting a dental implant is pretty straightforward, the entire process can take months to complete. You should expect multiple office visits throughout your treatment plan.
For the procedure, the dentist will first take x-rays of your mouth and jaw to determine where to place the implant. Next, the metal post is inserted into your jawbone, serving as a strong base for the restoration. Then, the abutment is attached to the post, and the crown is connected to the abutment. Remember that you’ll need to wait a few months between appointments to allow for adequate healing.
Once the work is complete, you’ll have a powerful, great-looking smile! In fact, people won’t even be able to tell you have an implant!
Reliable Dental Implants in Hudson, OH
If you’re missing one or more teeth, consider a dental implant. While they cost more than dentures or a dental bridge, the investment is well worth it. To learn more about dental implants, contact Village Dental today! We’re happy to have the leading dentist in Hudson, OH.